22 June 2009

Hi everyone, i'm back here.
Firstly, this is my pastry chef. He look furious but he's a very nice and funny guy.
(What he love the most is to pinch guys nipples)

We took a train to Annecy.

A random picture and a random girl.

This is a OLD and famous prison in Annecy. By the way, the water is DAMN clear.

One of our best mates, the japanese.

We are doing fine here, so no worries. Happily having fun, eating, chatting, shopping and cooking. Everyone, everything is damn cool here, dont feel like going back to Singapore. HAHA. Love the living. Toilet is clean, shopping mall is big, food are nice, everywhere is awesome and most importantly, people are BEAUTIFUL! You will see everywhere you go even at your door step. *FAINT! My jaw is almost broken. We need more money to make a living here..
Our idol
Mine: smokes+drink+drive+messy hair= Sexy
Zel: Korean+hard working+tall+good figure= Pretty
Jon: pretty eyes+quiet+smokes= Attractive


  1. Wahhhh Good LAr Dun Wann Come BAck SG See Ur Friends... WAHH>> SADDED.. OH BTW DIDN GET TO SAY TO U A HAPPY BIRTHDAY SO YA HERE IT IS HAPPY BIRTHDAY ( But Dont Really know Ur B-day Falls :D, And Again Sorri For The Other Day Ya!!) Takecare There Babes & Dude's!!!

  2. Wahh Good Lar, HAving FUN THERE Then Dunn Wannn Come Back here in SG, and Leaving Friends Here... WAHH SADDED!!! OH BTW DIDN GET A CHANCE TO SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO U SO YA GERE IT IS HAPPY BIRTHDAY :D ( didn really know when ur b-day fall So Ya!!) And really Sorri For That Day :/)

  3. to hazel koh: eh not really. haha. i haven seen that yet:D
    to drew: haha this place is really cool. thanks!:) HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO YOU TOO!Mine falls on 29june. uh which day?
